Letter To Parents

Please read this, it is very important

(There are two forms to fill out & return)

To: Parents of all children on the:

From: Your child's Soccer Coach

Subject: Philosophy, Expected Behavior, Discipline, Medical Conditions, etc.

Coaches Name:

Tel. No.:

Assistant Coach:

Tel. No.:

Assistant Coach:

Tel. No.:


Attendance: Please attend. We can't play well as a team unless we practice as a team. Those who attend practice the most may play the most, although everyone who attends a game will play at least 50% of the game.




Rain Policy:

Philosophy & Objectives:

1. Fun

2. Teach Soccer fundamentals & teamwork

3. A safe environment

4. Our success will be measured by the above & by our improvement, not by wins & losses.


    All players must wear proper shinguards to every practice and every game. Hard surfaces of shinguards must be covered with socks. (Referees will check this).
  1. No shoes with front cleats may be worn (i.e., no baseball or football shoes if they have a front cleat, unless you cut it off). Only rubber cleats are allowed; metal cleats are not allowed. (Referees will check).
  2. No jewelry, metal devices, or hazardous equipment may be worn. (Casts can be allowed if they are padded & the Referee approves them before the game).
  3. Each player should bring a plastic water bottle to games and practices.
  4. Each player should have a stitched ball (as opposed to a hard seamless ball) of proper size. (Soccer balls come in 3 different sizes: 3, 4, & 5. The ball size is shown on the ball. Also, look for a stamp that says either “official size & weight” or “FIFA Approved”. Even if a ball is the official weight, some balls are heavier & harder than others. Don’t get a ball that is too heavy or hard (some seamless balls are especially hard). Some balls are so hard that it is painful to kick them. If you have a choice, a shiny, waterproof surface is best because it won’t absorb water & will last longer. Test the ball to see if it’s round & will fly straight by tossing it into the air with a lot of spin on it to see if it wobbles. U-6 & U-8 use a size 3; U-10 & U-12 use a size 4; and U-13 & older use a size 5 ball). We will use a size _________ ball.

Expected Behavior:

By Parents:

  1. "Positive encouragement is good; negative comments are bad."
  2. “Cheering is good, but do not yell at your child or anyone else’s child during the game. It can be distracting & what you tell them may be different from what the coaches are saying. If you would like to be an assistant coach, please call me, I would love your help.”
  3. “Be careful not to say anything that might be taken the wrong way or hurt someone’s feelings. Remember: this is for fun & these are children.”
  4. “Be a good role model & a good sport.”
  5. “Do not yell at the referees or say anything bad to or about the other team. Never boo the other team or cheer when they make a mistake.”

By Players:

A. Behavior Rules:

  1. Everyone must follow all directions given by the coaches & >assistant coaches
  2. Everyone must hustle & do their best
  3. "When I talk you must be still & listen"
  4. I expect everyone to be a good sport whether we win or lose> (this includes parents)
  5. No cursing or name calling".
  6. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

B. Safety Rules:

  1. Keep your hands to yourself
  2. Do not kick the ball in the air unless I tell you it is okay (otherwise kids will be getting hit in the back of the head)
  3. Dangerous behavior will not be tolerated

Discipline Policy:

I have an obligation to your child & to everyone involved to not allow certain types of behavior. If your child has a history of problem behavior, please call me so we can talk about how to deal with it. I will try to follow the policy described below. If you disagree with this policy or any part of it, please call me immediately:

I will talk to the child & explain what they are doing that is unacceptable & why, and ask them to stop it.

If they persist, I will ask them to do 10 “knee jumps” (they stand still & jump, raising their knees to waist height. This is quick & less disruptive than laps).

If they still persist, I will ask them to go to the side line until they are ready to obey the rules. I will take them over to the side & speak to them privately & explain to them that they are disrupting practice (or doing something unsafe) & that I won’t tolerate it & that if it happens again I am going to make them sit out until their parents arrive & then talk to their parents.

If they still persist, I will ask them to sit on the side line until their parents arrive at which time I will talk to the parents.

If they still persist at any future practice, or if the parents don’t support the need for discipline, I will give the parents the choice of attending each practice so they are present to observe & enforce discipline, or I will ask them to resign from the team and I will file a written report with the league administrator.

Medical Conditions:

Please fill out the attached Medical Conditions & Emergency Treatment Form. Important: Everyone must fill this out.


Volunteers are encouraged. Please fill out the attached form if you would like to help in any way. We need all the help we can get!

I am excited about coaching your child this season. Please call me if you have any questions or anything to discuss. If a game schedule isn’t attached, I will hand it out later.