As every coach knows, it is very difficult to get a team that has consistently lost all of its games to become a winning team. The problem is a lack of confidence - they don't believe they can win, so they don't win ' combined with a lack of effort (not enough practice and hustle) and lack of enthusiasm. If you can motivate them to practice hard and play hard, and change their attitude, they might be able to win, but "How can you motivate a losing team?" Below is a letter I received from a coach who used SoccerHelp's iron-on incentive patches to solve this problem. I receive many letters like this. This is why we will sell over 500,000 patches this year.... they really work, and are fun too. There are dozens of similar letters in our Testimonials. You can also see how Coach Doug uses patches at How Coach Doug Uses Patches to Motivate Players.
Hi SoccerHelp,
When I took over a U9 girls team, they had not won a single game in the last 2 years. Not only that, the team could not score any goals. This year, we started using patches and we have won our first 2 games by comfortable margins. We have emphasized how the players can earn them (e.g., team work, skills, hustle and defense) and we've had a tremendous response from our girls (and parents). Attached are a couple handouts that we use to help us manage the patches which other coaches may find useful. Since we keep winning, we are in need of more patches. Click here to see the handout this coach used.
Coach Sumer, Texas
Hi Coach Sumer,
Thanks... these are great ideas. You are definitely on the right track and have reason to be proud. I'm sure your players and their parents are thrilled.
I want you to be successful, so I'll take the liberty of making some suggestions:
- Change your program to give the Lightning Bolt Patch for Teamwork -- there's a good story for that patch about Teamwork, and it's a very cool and distinctive looking patch. Here's the symbolism: "All of our patches are in a circle. The circle has symbolism world-wide and has been an important symbol for centuries. On SoccerHelp patches, the circle represents the team. It is a reminder that the players are within the team, and that the team holds us together, and that every player should remember that he or she is part of the team. The Lightning Bolt Patch has additional symbolism that you can use to motivate your players and teach them the importance of teamwork. The patch has 2 "Bolts", each identical and both equal... these symbolize offense and defense, and the fact that offense and defense are equally important. The 2 Bolts are held together by a middle, which in soccer represents the midfield, and both Bolts touch the Circle, which represents the team, so the entire design is connected, and each part is necessary."
- When a player scores insist she IMMEDIATELY seek out everyone who contributed to the score and give them a high 5 so everyone can see it. OR, maybe even better, do like the Brazilians do and have the entire team come together and touch hands and do a cheer (even a simple one like "1, 2, 3, Go Team"). That way it recognizes that scoring a goal is a team effort and not just due to one player. The PUBLIC ceremony aspect is very good for team moral and to keep players from being jealous of the Forwards. DO NOT let your Forwards claim all the glory -- that is NOT good for team morale.
- When a player does something during the game to earn a patch, immediately (or as soon as possible), get her attention and tell her "Great job -- you've earned a Hustle patch" (or whichever patch). This immediate feedback reinforces good behavior. THIS WORKS. YOU WILL SEE FAST RESULTS IF YOU DO THIS.
- Consider giving certain patches out at the end of the game or at least having a Motivational Patch ceremony at the end of the game where you make a BIG DEAL about who earned patches and WHY they earned them -- use specific examples so ALL the players understand the type of behavior that will earn praise and a patch. Have this ceremony in front of ALL the players and parents. The ceremony and recognition is as important and as motivating as the patch. It's important for the players who didn't earn a patch to see the rewards of doing as the Coach wants and that the players who do are praised and rewarded. This is a presumptive way of setting standards and you will find that all of your players will start to do the things you want them to do so they will be praised and win patches.
Play the "Dribble Across a Square" game at every practice and use the "Dribble Around Cone & Pass Relay Race" Practice Game to teach "Aggressive Receiving". Those 2 games will really help your players skills. Trust Me On This.
Please let me know how you do for the rest of the season.... I predict you will do great.
David at Soccerhelp
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