Premium 10 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

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We are confident you will be pleased with SoccerHelp Premium. In fact, among our first 15,000 subscribers, very few people asked for a refund. Since Premium first came online we have added over 1,000 pages of new material.

We want you to try SoccerHelp Premium and are so confident you will be pleased that we offer a 10 day unconditional money back guarantee. If at any time during the first 10 days of your subscription you want to receive a refund, just e-mail us and we will promptly refund your full purchase price and cancel your subscription, with no questions asked.

A Tip: Unless you are sure you just want to coach one season, you should strongly consider the 365 day Membership, it is the best deal. Most coaches who subscribe for a shorter period re-subscribe for one year. You may think a short subscription will be enough, but there is a huge amount of material on Premium, and there are thousands of links that make it a lot easier to use than printed material and we continually add new material.

Your SoccerHelp Premium Subscription will not automatically renew. We do not save credit card information. You will receive an email alerting you when your membership is expiring. At that time, if you choose, you may renew your membership at a reduced "Subscriber Rate" price.

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