Soccer Drills that are Good Basketball Drills
A New Basketball Drills Section on SoccerHelp
Similarities of Basketball and Soccer

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I have recently created a Basketball Drills section on SoccerHelp that focuses on dribbling, passing and receiving.

One reason is that I get many emails from coaches asking if I can recommend a basketball coaching site that has basketball drills that are similar to SoccerHelp drills, and I don�t know of one

Another reason is that many soccer coaches also coach basketball and have told me that some of the SoccerHelp drills work great for basketball.

I created a new section on SoccerHelp with links to 4 free soccer drills that I think are excellent for basketball.

If you find that these or other SoccerHelp drills that are good for basketball or other sports, please let David know by emailing him Contact David

Here is a link to the new Basketball Drills page Basketball Drills

Two obvious SoccerHelp drills that are great for basketball are Dribble Across a Square and Dribble Around Cone & Pass Relay Race.

As you know if you have tried our soccer drills, our drills are actually "Practice Games" that are fun and involve keeping score, so they train players to play fast while under pressure. Obviously, that prepares players for real games better than drills that don�t involve pressure or competition. The importance of building competition into practice is becoming well known, the problem is how to do it effectively in a way that is easy for coaches to manage. We do not use elimination games, so all players continue to play. Our soccer practice games allow the coach to monitor each player's progress, minimize lines and maximize activity, so coaches can achieve more in less time.

If you ever played basketball you know that basketball has many similarities to soccer. Both involve dribbling, passing, receiving, shielding, dribbling in traffic, breakaways, 1v1 attacking and defending, and team attacking and defending. The principals for receiving a pass are similar (move to the ball and shield it from defenders) and passing to space is a concept in both sports. Composure with the ball and movement off the ball are critical in both sports. In both sports there are �dummy runs�. In both basketball and soccer it is important to train players to be able to play fast while under pressure. In both basketball and soccer individual skills are important but teamwork is necessary.

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