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This game is a quick and effective way to teach or practice throw-ins. If you are a beginning coach, review "How To Teach Throw-Ins" at "Skills". This isn't great fun, but it is quick & effective. This is a practice game that is a drill.
If your players need to practice throw-ins, I suggest first lining them up shoulder-to-shoulder (facing you) without a ball. On "Go" have them all pretend to make a throw-in while you watch. Comment & have them do it again. Be sure they drag the toe of their rear foot so hard they can hear it, that their hands go behind their head, & that they remain upright & follow through with both arms. Do this 5 consecutive times.
Have them pair up, one ball per pair (a parent or assistant coach plays if an extra is needed)
Members of each pair face each other, 7-15 steps apart (depending on age). (There will be 2 lines facing each other shoulder-to-shoulder, about two steps apart).
Start with the balls all on one side, so the players will first be throwing the same way
On "Go", the players with the ball all make a throw-in to their teammate while the Coach or parents watch for distance, side spin and to be sure they are dragging the rear foot (side spin is bad because it means they are using one arm too much & the referee can give the ball to the other team if he believes one arm is used too much)
Encourage high throw-ins that would go over an opponent's head; not a throw-in toward the ground
Have each player take about 5 throws
The Coach selects the "winners" who he believes have done the best & is complimentary of everyone who is trying
Teaching Points:
Drag the toes of the rear foot so hard that they can hear it
When the ball goes behind the head, elbows should be pointing out to the side (this gives power)
Remain upright, follow through, snap wrists
Throw over opponents; not toward the ground (this is less likely to cause the rear foot to come off the ground)