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Is Access Immediate? Yes, you have access to the Premium content as soon as you subscribe, and you can immediately read or print the Premium information (but you don't have to print it all at once, and you can print it as many times as you wish for your own use, in sections or a page at a time, as you prefer).What is Soccerhelp Premium? SoccerHelp Premium is the subscription part of SoccerHelp. It contains over 1,000 printed pages, including over 60 Practice Games, soccer skills, soccer moves, practice plans, and many tips, tactics and strategies that really work. It is primarily for coaches of Recreational teams ages 5-Adult and for coaches of travel teams to age 12. It is designed to make you a better coach and result in more enjoyment, a better team and better players.
How Does Premium Help Coaches and How Can It Help Me? The best way for you to answer this is to review the "Testimonials and Success Stories" and the Detailed List Of Contents by clicking on the links below:
Has the Premium Program Been Tested? Yes, we recruited volunteers who we called "Testers" to test it. All but one or two were Recreational coaches (one or two were travel team coaches). We had Testers from 20 U.S. states, Australia and the U.K. The Testers tested the Practice Games, tips, tactics, formations and styles of play recommended in Premium and gave us feedback. We used their feedback to improve Premium. Most of the Testers coaches had little or no coaching experience or had lost most of their games the prior season (and in a few cases had won only a few games in several seasons), although one had not lost a game in almost a year. We wanted to see if SoccerHelp Premium could help these coaches. Where coaches made an effort to use the program, the results were often dramatic and, in some cases, spectacular. You can read the comments from many of the Testers coaches at "Testimonials and Success Stories" by clicking the link above.
Why are the Premium Practice Games better? The Premium Practice games were developed to be fun and teach important individual skills (such as dribbling, passing and footwork), playing concepts (such as "passing to space" and "field awareness") or teamwork concepts (such as team defense and team attacking). They are rated by quality and age appropriateness. They are better than drills because they are fun (which makes players more enthusiastic and more likely to attend practice) and involve an element of competition and pressure that drills don't. (Performing an activity under pressure is different from performing it without pressure. For this reason, Practice Games better prepare players for the pressure they will face in a real game). At practice, your players will have more fun, learn more and learn more quickly. Many of the games, such as "Dribble Across A Square (Premium)" are "self-teaching" and players learn by playing the game. The basic versions of some of the games are on SoccerHelp basic, so you can try them and see how the Practice Games are organized. A list of the Practice Games can be found at the end of "SoccerHelp Premium Contents and Subscription Information", or by clicking this link:
Why a Subscription Instead of a One-Time Download? A subscription offers much more value and convenience than a one-time download. With our subscription you can view the information at your leisure and print it for your own use as you need it and as many times as you want to print it. Online, the site is user-friendly and you have the benefit of links and being able to jump around from one topic to another. During your subscription you will also have access to any new material that is added to the site.
Is Premium Linked to SoccerHelp So I Can Jump Back and Forth? Yes. If you encounter any problems with this, please let us know. The 2 sites contain over 400 pages of material, and it is difficult to get it all coordinated, so your feedback is appreciated.
How Can I Subscribe? It is easy to subscribe. Click the link below to go to the "How To Subscribe" page, which will explain how to subscribe and answer your questions. If you still have questions, contact us by clicking "Contact Us" on the Home Page.
Can More Than One Person Share The Same Subscription? Members of the same household or of the same family are allowed to share a subscription and to use the Site one at a time, but subscribers are not otherwise allowed to share a subscription. We reserve the right to cancel the subscription of subscribers who we believe are sharing their subscription with other non-subscribers. See the "Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement" for more information.
Is Downloading or Electronic Copying of SoccerHelp Allowed? No, it is not allowed. Subscribers may print the site as much as they want for their personal use and anyone may copy the logo in order to create a link to SoccerHelp, but downloading or electronically copying any portion of SoccerHelp or SoccerHelp Premium violates U.S. copyright laws. We reserve the right to cancel the subscription of anyone we believe is violating this policy.