You can pay for a Premium subscription by credit card, online check, debit card, check or money order.
If you wish to pay by check or money order, make the check payable to SoccerHelp for the appropriate amount. Be sure to include a note listing 4 things: your e-mail address, telephone number and the username and password you want to use.
Mail the check payable to SoccerHelp and mail it along with your e-mail, phone number, username and password to:
SoccerHelp c/o Kay Huddleston 1218 Knox Valley Drive Brentwood, TN 37027 USA
Remember, be sure to include a note listing 4 things: e-mail address (this is required), telephone, username and password you want to use. We will confirm the username, password and start date by e-mail. We will set up the subscription within 7 days of receiving the check. We cannot promise to start the subscription on a particular day. We suggest all lower cases letters and an easy to remember username and password. We will choose the username and password if you don't request one.
Current Subscription Pricing Is (in U.S. Dollars):