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  1. U-9 Team Goes From 0-4 to 4-0-1 (California, USA)
  2. Hi Soccerhelp,

    Wow! Who would have believed this stuff would work this well. I am coaching under 9 boys. I was using a teaching method I learned at an F clinic I took to be a coach. I learned nothing about teaching formations or positions, let alone any actual plays. They had the kids doing figure 8's around cones. The kids hated it and it was hard to teach. The kids weren't learning.

    We had gone 5 games without a win (0-4-1) when I started using SoccerHelp Premium in mid-season. The next game we tied. Since then we have won 4 straight games, outscoring the opponents 17-2. The kids can't get enough of it. Neither can I. It is a lot more fun playing and coaching when the team wins. The kids do not want to come off the field when I sub them.

    Next game we are trying "Short Corners" for the first time. This should be fun.

    Thanks, Don

  3. Letter From Junior High Coach (New Jersey, USA)
  4. Dear SoccerHelp,

    Just wanted to let you know I subscribed to Premium. What a difference practice was yesterday. For the first time I felt like I knew what I was talking about. I coach a junior high girls team in New Jersey. I am very excited about teaching & coaching this year.

    Thank you,

  5. Letter From U-9 Coach (USA)
  6. Dear SoccerHelp,

    Your pearls of wisdom have been invaluable. Our team has now scored 8 goals in the last two games while our opponents have yet to score. We have been doing the Premium practice games and, you know, they really work. Our defense which was questionable a few weeks ago is now rock solid. We will continue to stick with the discipline. We still bunch up too much on the offense. I keep telling them to stay a pass away but it is just too exciting to chase the ball. Do you have any other drills to specifically address the crowding issues?

    Also we are using your idea for gold stars that the boys can iron on their uniforms for hustle, bravery etc...They love it. We have been awarding them after each game to one or two of the boys. Another great idea.

    Again thanks for all your help.

    Will, U-9 boys Rec coach

  7. Letter From "Soccer Mom turned Soccer Coach" (South Carolina, USA)
  8. Dear SoccerHelp,

    I have alternated between soccer Mom and soccer coach for 4 years now. I had quite settled into the Soccer Mom role for the past two seasons, when I was called upon last week to coach my son's team. I was frantic because this is U8, and most of these kids have been playing 4 years, and are pretty darn good! I have only practiced twice with them. Our first game was yesterday (I was told we lost by two goals, but I was so excited, I was not paying attention to the score!) During our practice, I had some fathers helping out by drilling the kids- I don't like line drills, but only knew of a few things to do from a previous coach�then I found your website! Fantastic! I am instructing my new parents to review it to learn the game, and the old parents to review for tips to help their player at home. This is the absolute best soccer site I have seen- very detailed and accurate. I must say it obvious you have a sincere love for the sport, thank you for sharing!

    Lori A.
    Soccer Mom turned Soccer Coach

  9. Letter From U-8 Coach (USA)
  10. We had a great game today thanks to your help. The parents couldn't believe how well our boys played even though we lost to the best team in the league. Your site truly is invaluable. You really have done a great job putting all of the information together. Your suggestions about teaching defense are great. Many of my players are actually getting it.

  11. Letter From Coach Jon
  12. I am coaching my son's team and did not know that much about soccer or coaching it. Your site has been a great resource. I have done a lot of looking on line. Your site is the best I have found and I like what you have to say. I wish the coach's thought like you when I was a kid, I may have played more sports.

  13. Letter From Coach David (Italy)
  14. My name is David, I am a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army stationed in Italy. I have an eight year old daughter who has been playing soccer for three years now. Because of her I always try and help coach. For the last two years I have been an assistant coach. This year another father and fellow soldier has volunteered to coach his son and our team. He has no soccer experience, as I was looking for information on the internet to help us out I found your web site and just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this outstanding web page. It has been a great help, every question we have had we have been able to find an answer on your page. Thank you very much for your help.

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