Orders and Shipping FAQ's
Click on a link below to view the Questions and Responses

  1. When will my order be shipped?
  2. What carrier does SoccerHelp use for shipping?
  3. What state does SoccerHelp ship from?
  4. What is the backorder policy?
  5. How long will it take to receive my order?
  6. How can I return defective merchandise?
  7. How can I request a refund for a subscription to Soccerhelp Premium?
  8. I have changed my mind and want to add special shipping.
  9. I want a combo not listed?
  10. I live in Canada, will you ship to me?
  11. I live in Canada and have an US address to ship to.
  12. What happens if I don't receive an order?
  13. How can I ask a question?
  14. I do not like to use my credit card number online.
  15. Who is SoccerHelp?

1. When will my order be shipped?

We usually ship all orders received before 12:00 PM CST the same business day and after 12:00PM are usually shipped the next business day.

2. What carrier does SoccerHelp use for shipping?

We use U.S. Postal Service for most orders. Some overnight requests are sent to Fed Ex, DHL or UPS.

3. What state does SoccerHelp ship from?

We are located in Tennessee, USA.

4. What is the backorder policy?

In three years, we have never had to backorder anything. I make an effort to keep plenty of stock. I would take an item off line if I didn't have the stock to fill it.

5. How long will it take to receive my order?

U.S. First Class mail should take 3-5 business days, U.S. Priority Mail - 2 or 3 business days, and U.S. Express Mail - 1 or 2 business days. These are shipping options online and you can choose them when you place your order. If you need overnight shipping, it is available but very expensive by Fed Ex, DHL or UPS. Overnight orders must be placed before 2:00PM CST and you can expect to pay an extra fee (usually $20.00 to $30.00 ).

6. How can I return defective merchandise?

Please call: Toll Free 1-888-373-7745 for a Return Authorization. I will pay the postage and give you instructions for returning your merchandise. Please read http://www.soccerhelp.com/shshop/information.php?info_id=4#backorders for our complete refund rules.

7. How can I request a refund for a subscription to Soccerhelp Premium?

If you request a refund within 30 days for your Premium subscription, I will refund with no questions asked. Simply click here to send us an email requesting your refund. Your full subscription price will be returned to your credit card. It will show on your credit card statement in 1 or 2 statement cycles. We refund the same day, but don't control when it shows on your statement.

8. I have changed my mind and want to add special shipping.

Once an order is completed, we do not have access to your credit card information. This is a security measure for your benefit. You can go back on online and order the special shipping alone with a comment to us about which order to apply it to. Or you can call me at 1-888-373-7745 to order the special shipping. This must be done quickly, after you place an order. We mail out most orders the same day.

9. I want a combo not listed?

You can combine single DVDs in your order and the shipping will be adjusted by us on the order desk. Our formula is: the highest single shipping charge of the items you have ordered plus $1.95 per each additional DVD.

10. I live in Canada, will you ship to me?

Due to restrictive custom laws in Canada, we have suspended our orders from Canada. We are hoping to find a way to start mailing to Canada again in the near future

11. I live in Canada and have an US address to ship to.

To order if you live in Canada and have a US address we can mail to, please call me toll free 1-888-373-7745 or use the mail order form: http://www.soccerhelp.com/How_To_Pay_By_Check.shtml

12. What happens if I don't receive an order?

We mail the same or next day, so if you don't receive your order promptly please email and let us know. We will resend if an order is lost at no charge to you.

13. How can I ask a question?

Please email us: staff@soccerhelp.com or dkljj@comcast.net. We will get it from either address and someone is almost always on line. You will get an answer quickly.

14. I do not like to use my credit card number online.

You may send us a check or money order for your merchandise or subscription. Click here: http://www.soccerhelp.com/How_To_Pay_By_Check.shtml and mail to me at:


1218 Knox Valley Dr.

Brentwood, TN. 37027

Who is SoccerHelp?

David and I are a "soccer family" just like yours. David wrote a soccer manual about 10 years ago in 1995 for his recreational league to use. Things just seemed to happen after that. His secretary put it on line for a class project in a computer class she was taking. Now it is my full time job for the last three years and I love it. I try very hard to make sure everyone is pleased with what they have purchased. I have two programmers, an assistant and a couple of teenage sons that pitch in if I need extra help, but most things get my personal attention. David is of course my "soccer expert" and writes all the soccer information and reviews new videos. He answers email question occasionally when he has time. Some of your questions may have been answered on the Coaches FAQs: http://www.soccerhelp.com/Coaches_FAQ.shtml


All personal information submitted with your order is just that... Personal. We only ask for information that is necessary to process and ship your order, or contact you with questions or problems related to your order. We do not sell, trade or publish any personal information from any of our customers.

David and Kay Huddleston

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