How to Navigate SoccerHelp

It is Easy – This Explains How

Read About Premium Sites or Streaming Video

See the List of 70 Premium Soccer Practice Games

View a Copy of the Premium Home Page

1000 Testimonials

SoccerHelp is by far the most visited youth soccer coaching website in the U.S. and there is a reason - the reason is because our training and motivational programs really work. We have received over 1000 Testimonials

  1. SoccerHelp is EASY to use once you understand how it is organized. It just APPEARS to be hard because there is LOTS of information (500 free pages and hundreds of articles, 1,500 pages on Premium, 200 pages on Coach Doug's site for U6 coaches, and 550 pages on Advanced Soccer Tactics). NO other soccer coaching site has as much information as SoccerHelp.
  2. Major Topics like Drills and Formations are at the Top - These Links Go to Navigation Pages - Links like Soccer Drills go to a Navigation Page for that topic. For example, click Soccer Drills and it takes you to the Drills Navigation Page. Notice that on that page are articles explaining why we use Practice Games instead of Drills and there are links to samples of our Practice Games.
  3. There are 225 Alphabetical Links on the Bottom of the Page - Use them to Find Specific Topics or to Explore - When I am looking for an article or a specific topic other than Drills, Formations, Rules or Basic Info, this is where I go. I also scan the Alphabetical List for fun or when I'm not sure what I am looking for, so it is a good way to explore. Some articles have more than one link - that is because some articles discuss more than one topic.
  4. The "Dictionary Search" is a Way to Navigate - It is alphabetical with hundreds of links, so you can easily jump from topic to topic. The Dictionary Search stretches all the way across the Home page and there is a link to it on the top of each page - just click on the first letter of the word you seek. Example: Click "F" is you want to read about Fouls.
  5. You can also use the Search feature, which is above the photos of patches on the Home Page. I only use this as a last resort.
  6. Sign Up to Follow us on Facebook at - It has weekly tips.

If you are a new coach start at Basic Information & Tips for Beginning Coaches and How to Coach Ages 5 & 6 and 7 & 8

If you aren't sure what to teach, click Most Important (in the center of the top Yellow Bar) which goes to "Most Important Things For A Rec Soccer Coach To Teach and For New Coaches To Read".

NOTE: If you want the best and fastest results, we strongly recommend you buy our iron-on incentive patches and subscribe to Premium. Many coaches see immediate results from the patches - their players try harder, hustle and come to practice. Read 450 Testimonials from Coaches about the results they have achieved using our motivational soccer patches. Drills train players to play slow -- our Practice Games train players to play fast. Think about it - drills aren't at "Game Speed" and aren't under pressure. Our Practice Games involve competition and players want to win the Practice Games, so they can earn a patch, so they learn to play fast and under pressure. As a result, players learn faster, play better and have more fun. (By the way, because they are having more fun and playing better, your practice attendance will improve).

SoccerHelp Has 7 Parts:

  1. SoccerHelp Basic - You are on SoccerHelp Basic, which has over 300 pages of free information.
  2. Motivational Iron-on Soccer Patches - These really work to motivate soccer players. There are 450 Testimonials.
  3. SoccerHelp Premium which has over 1,500 pages. You can read 400 Testimonials for SoccerHelp Premium. See a Copy of the Premium Home Page
  4. Coach Doug's Site for Coaches of Ages 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Read Testimonials for Coach Doug's website. Watch Coach Doug's Video Clips
  5. Advanced Soccer Tactics - Preview Advanced Soccer Tactics (about 40 free pages) View the Table of Contents
  6. Soccer Coaching DVDs & Video Clips - We only sell the DVDs that we believe are the best and there is a Detailed Review of every DVD we sell.
  7. Streaming Video of Our 2 Most Popular DVDs - You can sign up, save money and immediately watch our 2 best selling DVDs on your computer or mobile device - Watch Coach Doug's Video Clips and Watch Video Clips of SoccerHelp Foot Skills and Soccer Moves Training Program (Motor Memory Training and Aerobic Workout)

More Details About What We Offer:

  1. SoccerHelp "Basic" (which you are on now) has about 250 pages of free information. Click here to read a magazine article about why SoccerHelp Practice Games are better than drills. If you are a New or U-6 coach, we suggest you start at Soccer Coaching Tips for New Soccer Coaches and How To Coach Ages 5 & 6 and 7 & 8. Otherwise, we suggest you start at Most Important Things For A Rec Coach To Teach and For New Coaches To Read. Drills train players to play slow -- our Practice Games train players to play fast. Think about it - drills aren't at "Game Speed" and aren't under pressure. Our Practice Games are played under pressure and at the fastest speed possible (the Practice Games involve competition and players want to win the Practice Games, so they play fast and under pressure). You can achieve 200% to 300% more in each practice by using SoccerHelp Practice Games instead of soccer drills and your players will improve faster, play better and have a lot more fun. (By the way, because they are having more fun and playing better, your practice attendance will improve).
  2. SoccerHelp "Premium" is a tested coaching program that has over 1,500 pages of printable information (including 300 pages about Formations, Positions and Styles of Play) and 5,000 internal links so you can navigate easily between topics. It includes 70 exclusive Soccer Practice Games that were invented by us, are copyrighted and aren't available any where else. Each Practice Game is rated by age appropriateness and quality. These aren't the "games" you normally see - they are much better - your players will learn skills and improve rapidly by playing these games, and they will learn under pressure and at "Game Speed". We have tested hundreds of games and drills, adapted the best to meet our 12 standards and invented others. It also contains Practice Plans (pre-planned practices). Premium is available to subscribers at a cost as low as $14.99 for 30 days, $24.99 for 120 days, or $39.99 for a year. Premium has a 10 day "no questions asked" money back guarantee. Premium is the "Next Step" for most coaches who like SoccerHelp. Over 15,000 coaches have become Premium members. Click here to read more about SoccerHelp Premium. Click here to read our 10 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee. Read testimonials. Read the standards we use to develop Practice Games.

    Premium has over 1,500 pages (compared to 150 pages on this Basic version), 5,000 internal links, over 70 exclusive Soccer Drills that are fun Practice Games and that teach players soccer skills, and over 300 pages about Formations, Positions and Styles of Play. View a copy of the Premium Home Page   Suscribe to SoccerHelp Premium

  3. Coach Doug's Site for Coaches of Ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.. I honestly believe that Coach Doug's method of coaching players ages 3, 4, 5 and 6 is the best in the world (that's a big statement, but when you try it, you can judge for yourself). Coach Doug is the coach we all aspire to be and his tips are the best I've ever seen for U-4 and U-6. His program is based on fun and skill development. You won't believe how good his 4 year olds are in the Video Clips. Coach Doug has his own Forum on his site where Members can ask him questions and exchange ideas. Click here to read about, subscribe to or Log In to Coach Doug's Site
  4. "Advanced Soccer Tactics". We are honored to announce our online publication of Phil Wymer's "Advanced Soccer Tactics" - it is truly brilliant, the definitive master-work on Soccer Tactics. We offer this as a premium feature for serious and advanced coaches. About 40 pages and the Table of Contents can be previewed free from the links below and over 500 pages are available by subscription. Phil plans to continue to add to the material, and it is much easier to navigate than a printed book. There is a 10-Day "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guarantee. Improving your tactics is the quickest way to improve your team's play. Preview Advanced Soccer Tactics (about 40 free pages)   View the Table of Contents

  5. Iron-On Patches- Coaches buy our iron-on patches and give them to their players as incentives. They come in 18 colors and we offer them at wholesale prices. They are very popular and players love them. Coach Gayla, Missouri said: "I can't say enough about the tried and true results of using these patches! This very same team that lost ALL 8 games in the fall, won 7 out of 8 games this spring!!! The kids wanted those patches!!!" We also sell baseball, fast pitch softball and basketball patches, and the star patches can be used for any sport or as a reward for any activity. Click here to read about our Soccer Ball Patches
  6. Soccer Videos, DVD's and Books-We only sell videos, DVD's and books that we have reviewed and recommend. We have reviewed over 200 videos/DVD's but only recommend about 10% of those we have reviewed (most are not good and some are terrible). There is a detailed review of each item we sell and we try to keep our prices low. This will save you a lot of time and money. We offer "Combo Deals" at discounted prices. Click here for DVD Reviews and Prices
  7. Other Merchandise-We currently sell girl's Sleeve Ties, Magnets, our MudAx® and are planning to add additional items.

The SoccerHelp System and Philosophy

NOTE: If you want the best and fastest results, we strongly recommend you buy our iron-on incentive patches and subscribe to Premium. Many coaches see immediate results from the patches - their players try harder, hustle and come to practice. Read Letters from Coaches about the results they have achieved and how they used the patches.

SoccerHelp is an innovative coaching system and philosophy based on fun and our copyrighted Practice Games which are "self-teaching" (players learn to play soccer by simply playing the Practice Games). The SoccerHelp practice method is 100% to 200% more effective than normal practices and, as a result, players learn faster. Coaches using the SoccerHelp system achieve more in 3 practices than other coaches achieve in 6 to 9 practices.

The SoccerHelp Philosophy is summarized by: "Better Coaches, Better Players, Better Teams, and More Fun". Players who are on a team that uses the SoccerHelp system have fun, enjoy going to practice, gain confidence and play with enthusiasm. The results are that they play better, enjoy it more, win more games (or at least play more competitively), are proud of themselves, and everyone (players, parents and coaches) will have more fun and be proud of the effort the kids are showing.

SoccerHelp Practice Games are better than drills because they involve competition and pressure, which drills don't, and better prepare players to perform under pressure in "match" conditions and at "game speed". It is one thing to perform an activity without pressure, but it is very different to perform the same activity at "game speed" and under pressure. Players improve more quickly and become better players when they practice at game-speed in match-related conditions. Most of our Practice Games are original and were developed by us; they can't be found anywhere else.

Drills train players to play slow -- our Practice Games train players to play fast. Think about it - drills aren't at "Game Speed" and aren't under pressure. Our Practice Games are played under pressure and at the fastest speed possible (the Practice Games involve competition and players want to win the Practice Games, so they play fast and under pressure). Our Practice Games are a better, more effective way to train soccer players, and as a result, players improve faster and play better in their league games.

SoccerHelp Practice Games are better than other games because they are more efficient and effective. They are designed to meet 15 standards, such as: they minimize lines, maximize activity, maximize "touches" on the ball, one coach with no soccer experience can easily set up and manage the game, they are fun, kids learn legitimate soccer skills by playing the games, they can be played in a small area or indoors and they work for almost any number of players (and even or odd numbers). We DON'T use "knock-out" or "elimination" games which leave kids standing on the sideline instead of practicing.

We encourage coaches to be nice, happy, encouraging and easy-going at practice. We believe in positive motivation and don't believe in punishing a child who has tried their best but lost a Practice Game.

We strongly recommend you read our Testimonials, Tips For Good Practice and Why SoccerHelp Practice Games Are Better.

What Is Unique About SoccerHelp?

We get a lot of praise for SoccerHelp. In fact, we get so much that we only put a small part of it online, but some of the praise is below and there are links to "Testimonials" and "Coaches Comments". We encourage you to read the Testimonials and Comments. They discuss what coaches found useful. Some of the success stories are incredible; coaches have gone from losing all their games to winning most. Most Premium subscribers gain confidence as a coach. We don't know of any other soccer program that has helped Rec coaches as much as SoccerHelp. We offer a program that can have an immediate impact on your team's success. You will see very quick results, often in just a few practices. The Practice Games are unique to SoccerHelp and were developed and tested by us. THEY REALLY WORK. Your players will have more fun, learn more in less time, practice attendance should improve and your team's play will improve. Coach Chuck said: "What a huge difference. We have outscored opponents 18-3." Coach Don said: "Wow! Who would have believed this stuff would work this well." Coach Hal said: "The concept of playing soccer games for drills at practice is brilliant because the girls now perceive practice as fun and not work." Coach Dave said: "The transformation of my team was incredible."

Who Are SoccerHelp, Premium and Advanced Soccer Tactics For?

SoccerHelp and SoccerHelp Premium are for anyone who coaches Recreational soccer (youth and adult teams), for coaches of select/travel soccer teams up to about age 16, and for parents and players. They are written in a simplified way that anyone can understand. Advanced Soccer Tactics is for serious coaches at all levels of play.

Praise For SoccerHelp

Following are excerpts from a few of the many unsolicited letters of praise that we have received:

Following is an unsolicited recommendation from the Rogue Valley Soccer Club Newsletter of August 2002:

"This website is absolutely crammed with information that will help any coach at any level. It is a steal and I have already gotten my moneys worth and have only scratched the surface. I highly recommend this website." (This was written when Premium only contained about 200 pages of material and it now contains over 800 pages, including over 500 pages that aren't on SoccerHelp Basic, which you are on now).

Coach Dave (USA) said: "Your patches and advice have been very helpful. We have scored 10 goals in our first two games with only 1 goal allowed! Your formations and attacking ideas have really worked. We have scored more in two games than in the entire season last year with the same team! Thanks!"

Coach Jim (USA) said: "The Practice Plans alone are worth the cost."

Coach Joe (USA) said: "It is great to be able to choose a few of the age appropriate games, print them out, then drive home and go to practice."

Coach Farr (USA) said: "SoccerHelp Premium would be a bargain at twice the price."

Coach Hal (USA) said: "I think your website is fantastic! The concept of playing games for drills at practice is brilliant because the girls now perceive practice as fun and not work. I never played soccer but SoccerHelp Premium has given me the confidence to teach the game of soccer to my team and make them winners. In the Fall we are moving up to a competitive league."

Coach Brian (NY, USA) said: "Each game I see our practices (practice games from SoccerHelp) pay off. Each game the parents tell me that they thought the talent on our team was very weak at the beginning of the year, but each week they become more impressed. We have beaten a team with multiple travel players and some of our wins have been 9-0, 10-3, 7-1, etc. Anyway, thanks for being there. I will be coaching 2 to 3 teams next year because it was so much fun."

Coach Don (CA, USA) said: "Wow! Who would have believed this stuff would work this well. We had gone 5 games without a win (0-4-1) when I started using SoccerHelp Premium in mid-season. The next game we tied. Since then we have won 4 straight games, outscoring the opponents 17-2. The kids can't get enough of it. Neither can I. It is a lot more fun playing and coaching when the team wins. The kids do not want to come off the field when I sub them."

Coach Dave (U-8 Girls, FL, USA) said: "Thank you for your invaluable help this season. I have coached girls rec soccer for three years now. Up until midseason this year I was doing some things right and a lot of things wrong. Then I ran across your site. I applied your program. The transformation of my team was incredible. My daughter has blossomed into an exceptional player and now wants to be the next Mia Hamm. Using your techniques in one on one practices, her skills and understanding of the game allowed her to become a dominating force on the field. I can't wait until next year when my daughter moves up to U-10. I will get to start the season with your program."

Click below to read success stories and how SoccerHelp can help coaches like you:

Click here to read Testimonials

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